It was internet porn that help get me out of the WT corporation's clutches. The more I watched due to my heavily repressed sex drive, the more bold I became to question the almighty Watchtower corporation, soon I was surfing the net with wild abandon on both porn and information negative about the WT corporation and the rest is history in fact I still watch porn and read all sorts of negative stuff about the WT corporation,, due to the shear abundance of both with no end in sight. Unrepressing my shadow it you will in this rather harmless fashion I think has mostly benefits it made me a better lover in bed as I can really focus on what I'm doing. I call it making friends with your neglected dark side and respecting both sides of myself, and who knows but I expect to reap more creativity by unrepressing my shadow because I'm sure being in a cult caused me to stuff a lot of creativity in there which needs to come out.
I was extremely happy when I found out the Watchtower corporation was all bull shit and wishful thinking, but my joy was soon eclipsed by the shunning and lost contact with family members. Which in the future I hope to regain due to the demise brought on by the internet exposure of the corrupt Watchtower monster in all its gory detail.